Womens bodyguard service...
    Date£º2016-06-02   Word number£º¡¾Large In Small¡¿

In order to meet the needs of the vast number of Hong Kong and Macao customers' security services. The company launched a resident-type (direct stationed in Hong Kong and Macao) professional bodyguard service for Hong Kong and Macau.

Service time: long-term, short-term, temporary.

Service method: The company dispatches qualified professional bodyguards according to customer requirements or customers select qualified bodyguards themselves.

Service Content:

1, 24 hours personal safety protection. Focus on defense and eliminate all security threats to help employers handle daily chores.

2. Deal with general small-scale incidents and severely curb the language insults, slander and framed by criminals against the employers.

3. Efforts shall be made to protect the evacuation of the employer immediately at any time or in case of emergency to ensure personal safety.

4. All safety protection and safety planning work of the customer on the mainland.

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